Priest:- Nisegid ( 3 times ) Let us worship ( 3 times ) People:- le`Ab, weWeld, weMenfes
Qidus inze selestu.Ahadu ( 3 times )
The Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, three in one. ( 3 times )
Priest:- selam lekee
Peace be unto Thee:
People:- qidist bete kiristeeyan mahidere melekot.
Holy church, dwelling-place of the godhead.
Priest:- se`alee lene.
Ask for us:
People:- dinigil Mariam weladeete amlak.
Virgin Mary, mother of God,
Priest:- antee wi`itu.
Thou art:
People:- ma`itente zewerq inte sorqee fihime isate buruk zenesi`a imeqdesi zeyiseree hatee`ate weyidemesis gegaye ziwi`itu ze`Igzee`abiher qalzetesebi`a imnekeeze`a`irege le`abuhuri`iso itane wemeswa`it simure. Nisegid leke Kristos misle abuke her semayawee wemenfesike qidus mahiyewee isme mesa`ike we`ahankene.
The golden censar which didst bear the coal of fire which the blessed took from the sanctuary, and which forgiveth sin and blotteth out error, who is God`s Word that was made man from thee, who offered himself to his Father for incense and an acceptable sacrifice. We worship Thee, Christ, with Thy good heavenly Father and Thy Holy Spirit, the life-giver, for Thou didst come and save us.