Feast Days of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church
The Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church recognizes many feast days. Every day of the month is dedicated to a particular Saint. The feast days of particular saints in particular months are considered the Annual Feast, (once or twice a year) when the Tabot (Ark) of the Church is brought out in procession and vast numbers of people gather to honor the Saint. The yearly feasts of the Savior of the World occure in the Ethiopian months of Megabit (runs from mid-March to mid-April), and Tirr (mid-October to mid-November). Below is a list of the dates and the monthly observances of Saints and holidays on those days.
Saint Days And The Day Of The Month They Fall On
-Lideta (Birth of the Holy Virgin Mary) and Elias (Elijah)on the 1st
-Thaddius on the 2nd
-Ba'eta (Presentation of the Holy Virgin to the Temple of Jerusalem) on the 3rd
-Yohannis Wolde Negedquad (John Son of Thunder) on the 4th
-Petros we Paulos (Peter and Paul) and Gebre Menfes Kidus on the 5th
-Our Lady of Qusquam (Egypt) on the 6th
-Holy Trinity Day on the 7th
-Kiros and Abba Banuda on the 8th
-Thomas (not the Apostle) on the 9th
-Kidus Meskel (Feast of the Holy Cross) on the 10th
-Hanna we Iyachem (St Anne and St. Joachim, parents of the Holy Virgin Mary)
-Fasiledes on the 11th
-Michael the Archangel, Samuel, and Yared on the 12th
-Feast of Igziabher Ab (God the Father) and Ruphael the Archangel on the 13th
-Abba Aregawi and Gebre Kristos on the 14th
-Kirkos and his mother Iyalota on the 15th
-Kidane Meheret (Our Lady, Covenant of Mercy) on the 16th
-Estifanos (Stephen the Martyr) and Abba Gerima on the 17th
-Ewstatewos on the 18th
-Gabriel the Archangel on the 19th
-Hnstata on the 20th
-Holy Virgin Mary, Mother of God on the 21st
-Deqsius on the 22nd
-Georgis (St George) on the 23
-Abba Tekle Haimanot & the 24 Heavenly Priests on the 24th
-Merkorios on the 25th
-Thomas the Apostle on the 26th
-Medhane Alem (Savior Of The World) ON THE 27TH
-Emmanuel on the 28th
-Bale Wold (Feast of God the Son)
-Markos (St. Mark the Evangelist)
-The first day of the year, Meskerem Ist, is the Feast of John the Baptist.
Fasting is abstinence from all things a body needs, and one has to fast from animal products and any kind of food for a limited time until the period of fasting is over.
(Fetha Negest 15,16). Mt. 6: Generally, one has to abstain from anything In which the body desires.
The aim of fasting is a reward. To fulfill the desire of the soul, the body must obey the will of the soul to seek forgiveness.
Fasting has a perpetual relation to religion. Even though the way it is practiced differs from religion to religion, anyone who has religious practices fast. Especially in the Old Testament, fasting had a prominent place in the lives of the Jewish people. Whenever the Old Testament prophets sought to communicate with God, they neither ate food nor drank water. (Ex. 34:28). The wrath of God that comes about as a result of sin can be averted through solemn prayer and rigorous fasting. (Jon. 3:7-10; Joel 2:15).In the New Testament also, fasting is not a law made by man. It is our Savior Jesus Christ himself who made it the beginning of His messianic ministry in his earthly life. (Mt. 4:2; Lk. 4:2). Our Savior Jesus Christ has taught that fasting has the power of driving away evil spirits. (Mt. 17:21; Mk. 9:2).
The Apostles who were commanded to serve the church received guidance from the Holy Spirit while they were praying and fasting. (Acts 13:2). Priests and deacons who served as preachers of the gospel were inspired and ordained while fasting and praying. (Acts 13:3; 14:23).
It was through fasting and beseeching God that righteous people received what they needed and wished. (Ezra. 8:21; Ne. 9:1-3; Est. 4:16-17; Acts 10:30; 13:2-3).
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